A little about the camp: Joe's parents built this beautiful home on Toddy Pond, not too far from Bangor, ME. They live there part time now, and it is probably one of the most beautiful places I've ever spent my time. It's all rustic inside, log cabin-esq. There is a hot tub on the deck, and the camp is offset from the lake and relatively private. They have a really nice dock out on the lake attached to the shore, and another floating one a short swim away. Every time I am at camp (during the summer at least) I see loons. Loons happen to be my favorite animal!

During Geek Moot, I made sure to get the guys down to the water at least once a day. A few of us went hiking once, and we went on a nature cruise. But for the most part we sat around, ate, drank, and sat around some more. I actually spent a lot of time alone, just sitting at the dock or otherwise doing my own thing while the guys played games. I went into town a few times. I took a glorious long nap on the hammock. I went to bed at a reasonable time most nights, around midnight, and woke up around 9. After the weekend I felt rejuvenated and relaxed, which lasted a long time after I returned home.
Chic Moot: we spent a good portion of the day on the water. I showed off my canoeing skills with Joe and Dave. Thad and Josh coached me through kayaking... I almost lost my glasses falling into the water during my first canoe-to-kayak transition, but was impressed with being able to get back into the canoe from the water. We went swimming with my nephew. That night, we sat in the hot tub and went out to star gaze. It was only the weekend - flew to Boston on Friday, got to Maine at 4:30am Saturday, up at 9am, bed at 11, woke up at 6 to go on a whale watch, then drove back to Boston and almost missed our flight... but got home around 11.
Here is what I've learned from these two trips.
1. Sleep is important. This seems so simple but I really struggle with getting enough. I should be waking up in the morning around 6:30-7:30, depending on if I need to go running or not so I really should be going to bed between 10:30-11:30.
2. Eat less. Again, a no-brainer but in watching the guys eat during geek-moot vs. the guys during chic-moot... the food awareness in the second group was very different. Observing Dave was particularly interesting. He seems very aware of how much food he needs to eat, when he's had enough, etc. He turns down dessert. He is not an emotional eater. Dave manages to stay trim but doesn't really work out. If I could somehow emulate this (and add working out) it would make my losing weight a lot easier. I've been trying to be more aware of how hungry I actually am, and stopping when I'm almost full, even if the food is incredible, and even if there is a lot left.
3. It is important to balance out activity with "doing nothing". Geek Moot was a good indicator that I need more reflective quiet time than I give myself. Considering how wonderful I felt even after I returned home, this is something I've been thinking a lot about. I do tend to be on the go all the time but I want to work towards simplifying my life so I can be calmer as a norm and not just on vacation. I need to make time to breathe.

5. I need to work out. Holy moly! Joe's mum took a picture of me in the canoe and I know I shouldn't dwell, but all I can see is my flabby stomach. I try and tell myself "OK, so you have a flabby stomach. You also have mad canoe skillz that everyone was impressed with!" but it's hard to do. The plus side is it was kind of a catalyst and I've started running again.
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