So, the 20 minute run went pretty well. And then, we started week 6. I was so determined to keep up with Joe - the competitive bug bit me really hard - and so I started running harder than I normally would. And then, my knee started hurting. Bad enough that I had to walk the rest of the time and take a week off. I'm not very good at the cross training thing, or the idea of "active recovery". So i pretty much didn't do anything all week.
I've been feeling so exhausted lately and I was fighting off something also (my glands were swollen and everything). Come Thursday and Friday my headaches were so bad, I thought I was getting migraines (which, I don't get). They were tension headaches, but I also think a lot of it was caffeine and sugar withdraw. I had been drinking a lot of coffee and soda the past couple of weeks because of my lack of sleep and the show. Its bad when a coke helps your headache. I figured I needed the week of rest though.
Yesterday, I got back on track. I ate really well, started week 6 over again (Joe is now a week ahead of me, oh well) and I told Joe I was thinking about seeing a nutritionist, to make sure that I'm eating enough and getting the right amount of protein etc etc, and I've also started taking my vitamins again. I felt really great!
And then I get into work and have a donut and a piece of birthday cake. :headdesk:
I'm trying to forgive myself, accept it, and move on with my day. Knowing I slipped up a bit means that I just need to watch it the rest of the day. Hopefully I can get out for a walk at lunch.
Tomorrow's run is two 10 minute runs with a 5 minute walk in between. Then, comes four straight sessions of 25 minute runs.
I get paid on Wednesday so I'm thinking it might be time to get a bike, also. And I need to start resistance training also. I think all this cardio without weight training isn't good for me.
12 hours ago
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