Yesterday, Joe and I got up super early (6am!!) to drive out to Warrenton, VA to run in the Pacemakers 5k which supports the Fauquier County Free Clinic. Since I am only on week 7 of my 9 week training program, and Joe hurt his shoulder, we weren't sure how it was going to go, but it was a nice day out and we figured if we had to walk, fine.

Neither of us had to walk. At all. My goal was to just do it without walking, and I did! It was a beautiful day and the setting was really lovely: it was at the Airlie Center. I saw a deer! (Also, I'm #2 in the picture. Joe was #3 and you can see his elbow and foot a few paces in front of me)
I finished with a time of 33:11, which was almost 3 minutes faster than my last time (at the Turkey Trot in 2007). Joe finished in 28:43.
I'm glad we signed up for this race. It was a good motivator, and now we're gearing up for the triathlon in 11ish weeks. I start swimming tonight, and I'm going to bike the 3 miles to the gym!
Great time!