I didn't quite make it. I was surprised at how icky I felt this morning. I woke up feeling super hungry so I had a piece of (whole wheat) bread with some (natural, no salt or sugar added) peanut butter. It sat like a lump at the top of my stomach. I did 2.75 miles instead, in about 35 minutes. I ran threw a spider's web (eww!). But, I saw a deer and wished that I had my camera with me. I felt OK about the workout though, and when I got home I did the first day of the 100 push-up challenge!
Last night, I went out with my friend, Heather, to celebrate her birthday which is on Sunday. That said:
Dedicated to Heather
I met Heather working at my last job. She's one of the nicest, coolest gals I know. She actually got me to start running
. I don't know exactly how it happened though I have a feeling I wanted to have something in common with her because she is SO COOL and I wanted to be cool, too. The first 5k I ever ran I did with her back in October 2007 (she totally beat me but she was there - Joe caught a great picture of her!). She was doing really well with the whole running thing, but then injured her knee. Instead of giving up, she just picked up a new sport instead (cycling) and is training for a century ride in October. She has this great balance of life: working full time, going to school part time, making time for exercise, and making time for her friends. I've very lucky to have her in my life: She's got this amazing positive personality and anyone who's ever met her can tell you that. So when I'm feeling a little run down by this whole race thing, I can think of Heather and the smile on her beautiful face and be inspired by her perseverance. Happy Birthday, Girl!

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