It think it had a lot to do with a few things.
1. My massage on Saturday. When she said she opened up a lot, she wasn't joking. My muscles didn't hurt like they normally do, my knee has been feeling way better, even my shoulders felt better when I was running.
2. I've been eating really well lately. I did a modified detox this weekend, ate lots of veggies and whole grains and not a lot of dairy or sugar. I feel like I'm back on track even if I'm not perfect.
3. Dave left me another quote on my Facebook: “Sure I am this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us.” - Winston Churchill
4. I was thinking about a lot of people. People who either inspire me or cheer me on, or I'm out to prove wrong. I decided I should make a post, or a series of posts, dedicated to these people. I think the first one is obvious.
So, I keep mentioning Dave. When I first met him I was sure he hated me. OK, maybe hate is a strong word. But he certainly didn't seem to automatically love me like the rest of Joe's friends. He's got this wicked sense of humor that, unless you know him well or don't take things personally, can be kind of... painful. And, as someone who didn't know him well and did take things personally... you can imagine. I like to think of Dave as the last test I had to pass before I was allowed to marry Joe, because since the wedding (its about to get sappy) I feel like he's a real brother-in-law. There is some saying that friends are the family that you choose. Joe has chosen amazing friends and I just love them. When it comes to this triathlon, I know that Dave says he just wants Joe to lose (see the to-do list he edited for us), but I believe that honestly, he wants to see me succeed- not just to beat Joe, but to really succeed- even if he'd never come right out and say it. I posted on Facebook today "not feeling very motivated" and he responded with the above quote. No "just relax" quote for Joe today, just one encouraging quote for me. And that's why this post is dedicated to Dave. Love you, bro.
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